
Using technology to transform workforce capability and capacity to improve the quality of care delivered to people living with dementia

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Dementia & Alzheimer's Australia in partnership with BUPA Aged Care Australia Pty Ltd and Deakin University has been awarded an ARIIA grant for their ‘Using technology to transform workforce capability and capacity to improve the quality of care delivered to people living with dementia’ project.

Dementia Australia's innovation team, Deakin University's Applied-Artificial-Intelligence-Institute (A²I²), and BUPA, as thought leaders together will collaborate to design, develop and pilot-test evidence-based enabling technologies learning tools for wholesector aged-care capacity development, improved critical behaviour support planning and scalable practice change. Easy to recall scenario-challenges, choice, consequences, and unlimited practice enable fun learning and ensures retention of new skills for vastly improved care-outcomes. 

Almost half a-million Australians live with dementia and projected to increase to 1.1million by 2058, 35% currently live in aged care. Furthermore, over two-thirds of Australian aged-care residents live with dementia. Providing aged care professionals with free, easily accessible, engaging technology to review and improve their knowledge of behaviour support plan implementation and delivery of care is critical for improving reablement, restorative care and rehabilitation delivery. “If we get it right for dementia, we can get it right for everyone else” - Consumer Summit Communique.