
Australian projects and initiatives

On this page

The projects and initiatives listed here were identified through an environmental scan focusing on meaningful lifestyle activities in aged care settings and are current as of May 2023. This list is not likely to be comprehensive. Please contact us if you would like us to consider an Australian study, project, or initiative for inclusion on this page.

For a complete overview of projects funded by ARIIA to address important gaps in the aged care workforce’s capability and knowledge, please refer to ARIIA Projects.

Research studies

The findings of these research projects may not yet be available. However, awareness of work in progress can inform other projects in the planning phase and facilitate connections between researchers and potential participants or collaborators. To see all registered clinical trials on meaningful lifestyle activities topics, try searching the Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry

Citizen Science: Impacts on health and wellbeing outcomes in older South Australians
Lead Organisation: University of South Australia
Status: In progress
Supporting partners: Government of South Australia Office for Ageing Well
Funding body: Office for Ageing Well, SA Health
This research project is exploring the physical and social benefits of older people (aged 50+) participating in environmental citizen science projects

Engagement, Lifestyle and Meaning Study (ELMS)
Lead Organisation: Flinders University
Status: In progress
Supporting partners: The City of Onkaparinga EHC Inc Office for Ageing Well, SA Health Oregon State University
Funding body: Australian Research Council Linkage Grant
The research project aimed to understand how older adults can effectively maintain engagement with life in the face of changes that occur with age.