
Aged Care Partnering Program

Partner with experts to solve problems

Do you have an idea that can make a difference to the Australian aged care sector?

You may be eligible for the Aged Care Partnering Program.

The Aged Care Partnering Program team will work with you to source relevant research and industry experts to facilitate partnerships that can develop your idea into a robust project.

Anyone with an innovative idea that has the potential to make an impact in Aged Care may be eligible to enter the Aged Care Partnering Program.

Project ideas will be assessed on the problem they aim to solve for aged care, how innovative they are and if they could benefit the sector more broadly. 


Don’t have an idea but want to contribute? If you are a service or technology provider, researcher or professional with expertise in a discipline relevant to the aged care sector, please contact us for more information on how you could participate. 


The Aged Care Partnering Program combines intensive workshops with individual online meetings facilitated by our Innovation Managers and Research Fellows. 

Our team will support you through the program and introduce you to potential partners, industry experts and/or stakeholders that will collaborate with you to co-design the best project solution that is right for you, your organisation and the wider aged care sector. 

The Aged Care Partnering Program will help you explore and develop your project which you may choose to develop into an application for funding.


Innovation Network

All Aged Care Partnering Program participants will continue to be supported and can connect with other like-minded innovators through our ARIIA Innovation Network. 

Find out more 


Our suite of free modules can help you navigate working with the aged care sector.

These five short modules have been created as a valuable resource for organisations or individuals outside the aged care sector who have innovative ideas, products, or services that could bring benefits to aged care. 

If you have limited knowledge about the aged care sector, don't worry! These modules are here to assist you. They will provide insights into the aged care environment, address what the key sector challenges are, guide you through innovation implementation and adoption, and offer tips on partnering with an aged care organisation.

Access to our Industry Essentials modules is available here.

ACPP Partnership Opportunities

Please refer to the noticeboard below for available partnering opportunities. For more information, click on the email reference to contact the ACPP Team. If you are interested in multiple opportunities, please advise in the body of your email. 

Opportunities are listed newest first. 

Opportunity for: Aged Care Providers (Adelaide Based)

Partnering with: Technology Provider

Opportunity for aged care providers (South Australia – Adelaide) to partner with a technology provider to trial the use of a new technological solution that provides unique indoor air and surface sanitising. The technology makes a significant impact on reducing the transmission of viruses and bacteria. Having been successful in their application for the Industry Growth Programme, the technology provider is submitting a second application titled “Cooperative Research Centres Project Grant” that has direct application to “preventing a disease”. Flinders University is a partner for this application.

The primary aim of the technology is to create a cleaner, healthier, odourless environment for clients, staff, and visitors while being a highly effective, cost-efficient pandemic defence solution.

The technology provider is looking for innovative aged care providers, ideally based in Adelaide, to work with them on some small-scale field studies to demonstrate the effectiveness of the technology in the aged care environment. The trial would involve the setup of a pre-study baseline database and installing the devices in several ‘typical’ facilities. Over the trial period (estimated 3 months), the provider would run live and blind trials to monitor device status, baseline influences and results in real time. Engagement in the practicality and logistics during the design of the study would be requested.

Email Reference Air and Surface Sanitisation


Opportunity for: Residential and Community Aged Care Provider (Victoria)

Partnering with: Technology Provider

Opportunity for a Victorian-based residential and community aged care provider to participate in a Governance, Risk & Compliance pilot. The pilot will explore the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to help providers meet, and exceed, government regulations seamlessly through a comprehensive, 4 level evidence framework.

By participating in this pilot, the aged care provider will gain access to cutting-edge technology designed to streamline compliance processes, ensuring the highest standards of care while optimising operational efficiency. Foundation pricing and ongoing support will also be available to the participating partner.

Key staff from the partner provider will participate in discovery sessions to help 'sense check' the Governance, Risk & Compliance functionality. They will also provide feedback on the user experience in mobile gathering of evidence from clients, family members, and employees. The pilot will also investigate the capabilities of the user experience and user interface to enhance person-centred care, improve care quality and workforce capability while significantly reducing IT and administration costs. 

Email Reference Technology for Governance, Risk & Compliance


Opportunity for: Community Aged Care Provider (Providing Home Care Services)

Partnering with: Technology Provider

Opportunity for a community-based aged care provider to partner with an Australian based technology company that offers cognitive skills training. The technology provider is looking for Community Aged Care Providers who are interested in a project exploring how their platform can help empower older adults to remain independent in their homes for longer.

Age related decline in everyday memory function will eventually lead to a loss of independence for older adults. More so, older adults experience few opportunities to improve technological literacy or regularly meet other individuals. We are looking to partner with aged care companies who are interested in exploring:

  1. How group-based cognitive skills training can be utilised with older populations to help improve everyday memory function, technology use, and social support.
  2. How memory skills training can be integrated into current services being offered by aged care organisations to generate additional revenue.

This opportunity is perfect for any aged care organisation who employs an in-house (or via external contract) Occupational Therapist who can deliver the program. By partnering via the Innovator Training Program, funding can be provided to support project costs, train staff, and measure outcomes.

Email Reference Cognitive skills training


Opportunity for: Aged Care Provider (Home Care Services, located anywhere in Australia)

Partnering with: Technology Provider

Opportunity for an aged care provider (providing home care, located anywhere in Australia) to partner with a technology provider to pilot an innovative AI assistant. This technology aims to streamline care management and empower older people and their representatives. Features of the assistant include separate customer, worker, and care manager portals, with information available in different languages. The platform automates many administrative functions related to care management, scheduling, payroll, compliance, budgets, statements, self-management of packages, and can provide information e.g. inclusion criteria for purchasing equipment. The pilot project aims to commence in April 2024, commencing with a select group of customers, representatives, and workforce for approximately 90 days, with providers having free access to the technology. Providers will be supported with training, regular check-ins and will meet with the technology provider to provide feedback and insights.

Email Reference Home Care AI Assistant


Opportunity for: Aged Care Provider (Residential, Nationwide)

Partnering with: Technology Provider

Opportunity for an aged care provider (residential, nationwide) to support a technology provider in the co-design of an innovative solution to determine risk of an outbreak using sensors to detect pathogens. The technology can identify pathogens present, as well as viral load.  The technology provider would like to work with providers to ensure the technology can integrate seamlessly into daily routines, with further opportunity to be part of a trial.  The initial codesign can occur online, with the time commitment consisting of an initial consultation meeting, followed by several follow-up meetings. Participating organisations may be offered heavily subsidised or free access to this technology.  

Email Reference Technology for infection control and outbreaks


Opportunity for: Aged Care Provider (Providing Home Care Services or Residential)

Partnering with: Research Organisation and Diagnostics Company

Opportunity for a residential or community based aged care provider to partner with a research organisation and a new Australian-based diagnostic company that offers implementation and evaluation of a new point-of-care testing (POCT) device. The state-of-the-art POCT device is TGA approved and can perform up to 150 tests in approximately 15 minutes. The suite of tests available includes pathology profiles for general health, cardiac, renal, pulmonary, hepatic, endocrine and respiratory markers as well as derived indices. Tests are performed on a fingerpick of blood, a drop of urine, or other bodily fluids, including breath and saliva. The providers are seeking a partner organisation in the aged care sector (public or private) with a state-wide or national focus to trial/pilot this device under an assisted training and quality management system, targeting clinical needs and customised reporting. This project is ideal for aged care providers who have nurse-led care and would like to explore the benefits of introducing POCT technology, focusing on the clinical, operational, and cost benefits, particularly around avoidance of unnecessary ambulance transport to a tertiary hospital.

Email Reference: Point-of-Care Testing


Opportunity for: Aged Care Provider (Providing Home Care Services or Residential)

Partnering with: Technology Provider

Opportunity for an aged care provider to partner with a technology provider that has developed software using AI that automates the ability to identify and highlight gaps in documentation, allowing the user to spend less time on gathering data and more time addressing these gaps. This product has been used in a workplace health and safety setting, and they are looking for an aged care partner to further develop this technology.

Email Reference: Automating Compliance


Opportunity for: Aged Care Provider (Community, Home Care and Residential)

Partnering with: Technology Provider

Opportunity for aged care providers across Australia who are interested in partnering with a technology provider focussed on maximising workforce effectiveness by analysing the organisation's effort and workforce outcomes. The technology illuminates the efficacy of planning decisions to pinpoint when, where and why the rostering of your workforce is efficient/inefficient. Interested partners will take part in a trial to create an initial 'snapshot' diagnosis where a forecast can be made to determine gaps to improve service delivery. Partnership opportunities are available now and requires approximately a 3-hour time commitment.

Email Reference: Forecasting workforce effectiveness


Opportunity for: Aged Care Provider (Providing Home Care Services or Residential)

Partnering with: Technology Provider

Opportunity for an aged care provider (home care or residential) to partner with an Australian technology provider concerned with energy solutions. The pilot program is an opportunity to monitor and demystify energy use at your site using real time data. From here, electricity usage can be optimised, and potential cost savings identified. As a partner, you'll gain access to detailed energy usage for your site, free of charge, for the duration of the pilot. Actively participate in the pilot program by co-designing the product for use in aged care, provide feedback, and influence the future of energy solutions while enjoying the benefits of reduced costs. This is an opportunity to create a more sustainable and efficient future.

Email Reference Cost saving energy solutions towards carbon zero


Opportunity for: Aged Care Partner (Any State or Territory, Residential and/or Providing Home Care Packages. Preference for those who provide services to CALD communities.)

Partnering with: Research Organisation

An opportunity for an Aged Care Partner (Residential or Home Care Package) to partner with a research organisation to understand the impact of technology on the quality of lives of older Australians, identify the problems associated with using various services, and recommend some strategies or solution approaches to resolve the issues. The project will also explore the disparities in the use of technology among older Australians of culturally diverse backgrounds and help develop a novel technology solution for home-based aged care for diverse ethnic communities to upskill their IT skills and to be able to stay connected.

Email Reference Bridging digital inequality


Opportunity for: Aged Care Partner (Residential or Providing Home Care Packages throughout QLD, NSW, VIC or SA)

Partnering with: Research Organisation and Technology Provider

An opportunity for an Aged Care Partner (Residential or Home Care Package) to pilot use of a robot for care, companionship and capacity building. Researchers would like to expand their evidence by piloting within residential aged care facilities as well as within older people's homes with people receiving in-home care. Measures to be evaluated for providers include optimisation of resources, customer satisfaction, cost savings through scalability, benefits to customer emotional wellbeing and benefits to workforce. This robot was developed by researchers at a leading Australian university over 10 years ago and significant research and testing has been conducted, showing positive results. It has multiple capabilities, such as social and emotional connection, inclusive learning, health status monitoring and alerts, telehealth/video calls, translation services, and can be used with individuals and groups.

Email Reference Technology for Social Care


Opportunity for: Community or Residential Aged Care Provider and Researcher

Partnering with: Protective Equipment Provider (QLD)

Opportunity for a community or residential aged care provider and researcher to partner with a Queensland company specialising in hip protectors to minimise head of femur fractures. This company has developed discrete, low profile hip protection that moulds to the body of the wearer and provides safeguarding in case of falling. This hip protector is European certified to reduce impact and prevent injury in high impact sports. The potential project would trial the hip protector and its use for older people living in residential care and/or people receiving community aged care.

Email Reference Hip protection from impact of falls


Opportunity for: Community or Residential Aged Care Provider and Researcher

Partnering with: Protective Equipment Provider (QLD)

Opportunity for a community or residential aged care provider and researcher to partner with a Queensland company specialising in hip protectors to minimise head of femur fractures. This company has developed discrete, low profile hip protection that moulds to the body of the wearer and provides safeguarding in case of falling. This hip protector is European certified to reduce impact and prevent injury in high impact sports. The potential project would trial the hip protector and its use for older people living in residential care and/or people receiving community aged care.

Email Reference Hip protection from impact of falls

No current partnering opportunities.

Further information 

If you would like to make an enquiry about participating in the Aged Care Partnering Program, please contact us via our online enquiry form or contact us direct at