Browse resources created and collated by ARIIA as a trusted, evidence-based guide to supporting innovation across the aged care sector.

National Mental Health Webinar Series: Improving mental health for older people in Residential Aged Care Services
Accessed via The Communiqués website, this series of webinars and case studies explore how the aged care workforce can recognise and support the mental health and well being of older people living in residential aged care.

Ageing in place – the right of people living in rural communities
Sustainable aging in rural settings requires ongoing commitment and collaboration by different organisations to support initiatives to overcome persistent barriers experienced by older people accessing aged care beyond their communities. Associate Professor Maree Bancroft examines both the challenges and explores how community-driven approaches can help elderly Australians age at home in regional, rural and remote areas a possibility.

Equip aged care learning packages: Promoting mental health and wellbeing
The Equip Aged Care Learning Packages from the University of Tasmania (Wicking Dementia Centre) are freely available to anyone interested in the aged care sector to help enhance knowledge and keep up to date with current practices. One of the modules is focused on promoting mental health and wellbeing, and can be accessed by enrolling in the course.

Evaluation of the PHNs’ Improved Access to Psychological Services in Aged Care Facilities initiative: Technical supplement to the final report
This is the supplement to the full report that Australian Healthcare Associates (AHA) completed for the Department of Health and Aged Care. It presents the findings of the stakeholder interviews and the surveys conducted among health professionals, providers and residents about psychological services in residential aged care facilities.

Evaluation of the PHNs’ Improved Access to Psychological Services in Aged Care Facilities initiative: Final report
This full report from Australian Healthcare Associates (AHA) discusses the need for psychological services in residential aged care facilities as part of the primary health network. It presents the findings of a comprehensive evaluation of service models being implemented, the effective models and the recommendations to improve service.

Mental health services for older people in aged care
This webpage from Aged Care Guide discusses about the importance of looking after the mental health needs of older adults and what services are available for older adults. The aged care workforce can refer older adults to these services if needed.

Mental health and wellbeing during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The lived experience of Australians aged 75 and over
This report from COTA Australia discusses the experiences of Australians aged 75 and older during the COVID-19 pandemic and how their mental health was impacted by the pandemic.

Mental health and wellbeing: Suicidal thoughts and self-harm
Thoughts about death and self-harm are not uncommon in older adulthood, especially in the later years of life. Risk factors for suicide later in life include mental health disorders, physical illness and functional or cognitive decline. This resource from ARIIA is a short easy-to-read summary of the research evidence.

Mental health and wellbeing: Screening tools
Anxiety and depression are common in residential aged care yet often remain undetected. Several screening tools are available for detecting signs and symptoms of anxiety and depression in older adults in residential aged care. This resource from ARIIA is a short easy-to-read summary of the research evidence.

Mental health and wellbeing: Reminiscence approaches
Reminiscence approaches such as reminiscence, life review, and life review therapy, demonstrate a mixed but overall positive influence on the mental health and wellbeing of older adults. This resource from ARIIA is a short easy-to-read summary of the research evidence.