
Knowledge and Implementation Hub

Research evidence and knowledge help us understand what works and how things work in aged care. This can guide our care and inform our training and organisational activities.

The Knowledge and Implementation Hub provides access to evidence and resources on a range of priority topics for aged care. These topics have been identified by the aged care sector. We also have information on urgent and critical needs in the sector.

If the idea of evidence is new to you, perhaps start exploring the Hub by viewing our short learning module on the role and value of evidence in the aged care setting.


Navigating the sector

Sometimes you need some background information or to know what is happening in the sector. The research and project supports section has lots of interesting and useful resources to help you start a project, plan a study or run a training session at work.

Research and project supports

ARIIA PubMed searches

With one click, the ARIIA PubMed searches take you directly to relevant aged care research evidence in the PubMed database. PubMed is a large, free resource for accessing biomedical and health research published in journals. Simply click on your topic of interest. No search skills or database knowledge required!

ARIIA PubMed searches


KnowledgeConnect is our quarterly newsletter. The team behind the Knowledge and Implementation Hub will bring you an informative read on the latest aged care research, Australian aged care projects, and ways you can use evidence in your personal practice and within your organisation.

Sign up to KnowledgeConnect

Latest Knowledge Blogs

The Hub’s Knowledge Blogs provide another way to increase your knowledge of aged care. These short perspective pieces keep you informed about what is happening in the sector from the point of view of the people working or researching within it, as well as those receiving care services.

View our latest Knowledge Blogs below or see the full collection.

Support, confidence, coping skills and burnout in residential aged care staff

Given Australia’s ageing population and a growing demand for aged care staff, preventing occupational burnout within residential aged care facilities will continue to be a major challenge for the sector into the future. Researchers from Swinburne University explore some of the unique stressors faced by this workforce and suggest how organisations might address them to improve job satisfaction and worker retention.

Added 11 Apr 2023