Browse resources created and collated by ARIIA as a trusted, evidence-based guide to supporting innovation across the aged care sector.

Developing a new product - Considerations for organisations designing technology to make a difference
Designing technological solutions for aged care is complex, with providers navigating an evolving digital landscape. In this blog, Dr Amanda Adams explains how ARIIA’s latest evidence ‘Developing new products’ theme explores considerations for successful development of useful technology products, including guidance for providers around vendor selection, managing relationships and processes, and the importance of involving staff, older people and families across development.

Implementation Framework for Enabling Technology-Supported Aged Care at Home
Partners National Ageing Research Institute (NARI) and Silverchain have produced resources to support aged care providers when developing technologies for use within home care services.

Aged Care Clinical Information System Standards - Release Note v1.0
Aged Care Clinical Information System (ACCIS) Standards are technical standards that describe recommended minimum software requirements to be incorporated into RAC product roadmaps.

McLean Care’s iAgeHealth project revolutionising aged care
This innovAGEING blog describes how McLean Care's iAgeHealth initiative bridges gaps in regional, rural, and remote areas healthcare services through a virtual multi-disciplinary health hub.

Essential Eight
The Australian Signal Directorate has produced a set of eight effective mitigation strategies to protect organizations' Internet-connected information technology networks from cyber threats.

KeepAble Tools
KeepAble have produced a toolkit with tools and resources to enhance the knowledge and skills of assessors, coordination, and support staff when working with home care clients.

ELDAC Home Care App
The ELDAC Home Care App developed with the help of home care workers and managers, aims to support care workers to provide quality palliative and end of life care for older clients at home in the community. The Home Care App is free to download.

palliAGEDnurse App
The palliAGEDnurse App developed by CareSearch supports nurses working within aged and primary health care settings to care for the palliative care needs of older people. The palliAGEDnurse App is free to download.

Aged Care Data: Explainer
The Digital Health CRC has developed this guide mapping the aged care data ecosystem, including an in-depth explanation of how the Royal Commission findings have influenced the shared goals and subsequent roles of the Australian Government's digital organisations.

Aged care data and digital strategy
In this document, the Department of Health and Aged Care presents its five year strategy (2024-2029) to leverage aged care providers' adoption of technology, to align and unify data to improve service provision and outcomes for older people.