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Four clinical governance rabbit holes to avoid

Aged care can shorten development time and increase implementation effectiveness by learning from the previous experiences of the healthcare sector's clinical governance pathways. In this blog, the Australasian Institute of Clinical Governance details four key clinical governance implementation 'rabbit holes', highlighting how stepping over or around these holes can help aged care reduce clinical governance evolution time and increase positive point of care impact.

Added 31 Jan 2024
Information Sheet
What is person centred care?

This information sheet from the Australian Government Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission provides a short guide for older people and family on how they can receive person-centred care from their care providers. 

Added 25 Jan 2024
Information Sheet
Culturally Inclusive Aged Care Practice Guides

This webpage from the Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing provides a suite of resources for managers and staff to practice cultural inclusivity when providing aged care services to older people. 

Added 25 Jan 2024
Aged Care Diversity Framework action plans

This webpage from the Department of Health and Aged Care provides a collection of documents addressing the needs of older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, senior Australians from CALD backgrounds and LGBTI elders. 

Added 25 Jan 2024
Seniors Connected Program

This webpage from the Department of Social Services describes the Seniors Connected Program. The program aims to address social isolation and loneliness among older Australians. The page links to a variety of programs and services to facilitate social connection. 

Added 25 Jan 2024
Creating Opportunities Together

The ASPIRE website describes social prescribing, who it is for, what are the benefits, how it works and research conducted in the area. Anyone can register and become a member.

Added 25 Jan 2024
A toolkit on how to implement social prescribing

This toolkit from the World Health Organisation describes the steps to implement social prescribing scheme and includes examples of materials, which can be adapted to the local context. 

Added 25 Jan 2024
Social Prescribing

This webpage from Primary & Community Care Services Limited discusses what social prescribing is and the evidence base underpinning social prescribing. It also links to social prescribing activities undertaken in other countries. 

Added 25 Jan 2024
Communication Strategies for you and your loved ones

This article from Ear Science Institute Australia describes practical strategies to help in communicating with people with hearing problems. It also includes a 3min video about how hearing loss affects everyone.

Added 25 Jan 2024
The Social and Emotional Impacts of Hearing Loss

This 33min video from Ear Science Institute Australia features Dr Bec Bennett who shares her research about people with hearing loss and its impact on social and emotional aspects. 

Added 25 Jan 2024