

Browse resources created and collated by ARIIA as a trusted, evidence-based guide to supporting innovation across the aged care sector.

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​​Searching for aged care information online – search sources​

​​This, the first in our blog series, ‘searching for aged care information online’, looks at the basics of Internet searching, considers possible pitfalls and the digital literacy skills needed, along with helpful tips, to navigate the Internet successfully and have confidence in your results.​

Added 24 Jan 2024
How do I decide my goals for my care management plan?

This interactive resource assists older people to decide on goals for their care management plan.

​​Meaningful engagement and partnerships in research with people living with dementia and their family

​​When reflecting on the experience of researching in partnership with people living with dementia and their carers, Dr. Domenica Disalvo, in this blog, acknowledges both the challenges and benefits of co-designing. However, there is a need for researchers to be both flexible and creative in adapting their engagement approaches to enable people living with dementia to fully participate in research, generating real insights into their needs and preferences for care.​

Added 18 Jan 2024
Information Sheet
Setting goals and evaluating meaningful outcomes for people living with dementia who are participating in reablement programs

This practitioner guide assists with setting goals and evaluating meaningful outcomes for older people living with dementia who are participating in reablement programs

Principles for goal setting

This resource supports the development of person-centred goals for clients and includes a goal-setting checklist using the SMARTA approach

#36: What is your coping style?

Provides a podcast on coping styles to overcome stress

Added 22 Dec 2023
Added 22 Dec 2023
Added 22 Dec 2023
Better sleep and wellbeing for healthcare workers

A policy proposal fdor the wellbeing budget for healthcare aged care workers - recommendations

Added 22 Dec 2023
Who cares for the carers?

Reported on an investigation of the impact of emotional intelligence training on aged care health workers. 

Added 22 Dec 2023